
Wednesday, August 26, 2020



She was so sad that Bao had to go so she grabbed on tight as she could. She didn’t want him to leave.  She was so sad she couldn’t last another day  without him so she grabbed Boa and swallowed him whole so he could be in his heart. That night she was so sad that she did not want to have tea or get out of bed  so when her son came she got up then boa gave her mum a doughnut and then hug.

                                      The end 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Factors 😜😜😜😜😜

this week we were learning about factors when we started I it was really hard but when you got the hang of it, it was really easy.

I hope you enjoyed it.😜😜😜😜😜

Friday, June 19, 2020

my goal this week was to solve 2 and 3 digit

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Unit Frcations

this week for maths we where learning about unit fraction and now I know the a unit fraction always have a 1 as numerator and the smaller the number the bigger the piece the bigger the number the smaller the piece. do you now what unit fraction is?

Do you know what a unit fraction is?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

me telling you about your blog ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

this week I was learning about a quality blog post and comment

what do you need to thick about when you are writing a quality comment?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

a quality blog post and comment ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

this week for writing we where learning about a quality blog post and comment and
i learned a lot from this week. what are the 3 words you have to thick about when writing a quality comment?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

my house 🏑🏠🏑🏠

This is my house. I would like to live in when I
am older  now I will take your around my house.

in my house the first thing  you can see is the 
stairs  and if you go to the left you will go to the 
living room, if you go to the right you can see the
dining room where will eat tea when I have people over. 

Once you have gone past the living room and the dining room you can see the kitchen  with a really big  pantry  and another dining room. The reason we a have a really big kitchen  because I would like  to do lots of cooking with my family,  the other dining room is for have tea  so close 

And last down stairs we have another living room
just for a lot space for my children to play in.And now
we can go up  stairs  first thing you see is two doors
and they are the kids bed room one for a boy and one 
for a girl then we have a bathroom and a two more
kids bedroom both for boys, then my bedroom with a
bathroom and walk in wardrobe and last but not least a
baby girl bedroom and there is three of them. 

I hope you enjoyed my story 😜😜😜😜😜

my letter to self 😜

for writing we had to writ a letter to
our future self about what we did in
lockdown with our family.πŸ‘

Dear me,    May 20 2020 

Lockdown was fun and boring sometimes but not all
the time, most of the time  I was doing school work
or playing, 

For getting out door I would go for long bike rides
with my dad and sister, sometimes  we go to bottle
lake forest. 

In my bubble I have my mum, dad, sister and my cat.

Things we did in lockdown we played lots of board
games netball altogether as a family and it was Harper
and mum me and dad and me and dad won, we didn’t
play much games as a family. 

We watch a lot of tv mostly movie's troll's 2 I forgot most of the movie's so I can’t name them. 

From your self lily when you were ten. 

hope you enjoyed it πŸ‘

my maths screencastify πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Torty the lucky tortoise

Torty was a lucky tortoise found by a solider named Stewart who was serving during world war 1. When the war was over Stewart decided to take Torty home to Dunedin because he had become fond of him. Torty slept the whole ride home all 5 months of it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

                        scavenger hunt 

Hall way 
Ice cream 
Kiwi teddy 
Lunch box
Make up
Note book 
Quiz book 

Can you guess what my pictures are of??

Monday, April 6, 2020


                                          Things to take to space

  • Teddy 
  • photo of family 
  • books 
  • toys 
  • diary 
  • 1 I would take a teddy because you can hug it while you sleep so it would comfort you.
  • 2 I would take a photo of family. so its like see them everyday.
  • 3 I would take books so if you get up early or you get bored you can read
  • 4 I would take toys  to play with when you get bored. but not big toys just figurines.
  • 5 I would also take a diary so you can write about your experiences in space.

Friday, April 3, 2020

If You Could Be Any Animal

If I could be any animal I would be a kiwi because they are native to New Zealand. I would live in the forest and only come out at night. I eat bags and worms off the forest floor, I sleep in a nest in the ground. If I could have an owner it would most likely be a zoo keeper. My enclosure will have trees and holes in the ground because thats where me and my friends sleep and lay eggs.If I had to chose people to live with me it would be family and friends. In the school-holidays me and my friends get lots of visitors to come and see us. Since we are in the dark the have to look very hard.


Being in lockdown is fun sometimes, because if you have a sister they annoy you when you are trying to be alone. But you can also play a lots of games with them. You don't have to eat weetbix every morning, you can eat toast and I can go on the device all the time. we go around the block on our bikes because the roads are so quite, we do races up and down the roads. sometime when go for a walk it is verey busy that we have to go on the road because we have to keep our two meter distance from other people. and some afternoon we watch a movies and eat pop corn and make a mess. and read draw and eat and watch tv all day.

New Ice Cream Radio Script

Lils Rainbows - New Ice Cream Flavour Radio Ad Script Announcer: Hi everyone I'm at Lils rainbows they have a new flavour and its called Rainbow Rush it comes in 3 different sizes. You can get a double scoop, single scoop or a pottle $1:50 for the double scoop $1:00 for the single scoop & 50c for the pottle. You can also get a taste test for free, yes you heard me come on down. Back to the ice cream flavour its called Rainbow Rush, because its got bits of rainbow strip all through the ice cream. The ice cream flavour is apple, orange, banana, blueberry and strawberry thats all the colours of the rainbow. Now we are joined by Lily who invented this new ice cream flavour, Lily why did you invent this flavour? Lily: Because noone was inventing a new one, so I decided to make my own. I went home that day and thought of all my favourite different flavours, after many hours of testing I came up with Rainbow Rush! Announcer: Thank you for your time Lily thats it for me today bye.